Cast of Characters

We all have a cast of characters in our mind that help create who we are.  Some characters are good for us; the ones that cheer, encourage, and motivate us.   These are the ones that help us become a better person, create the life of our dreams, answer our soul's questions, provide us with motivation to see what's around the bend, give us the confidence to flirt with the office eye candy, or fill our minds with creative delicious words.

Then we have some characters that we wish would just find the closest moving train and step in front of it as it quickly goes by.  These are the ones that bring us down, deflate our esteem, suck the energy out of our dreams, the ones that leave us feeling less then.  The ones that we need to kick out of our mind and enjoy watching them splat on the train tracks.

I've decided to name some of my cast of characters.  I figure if I name them then I can either call them up when needed or send them packing to the train station for a one way trip away from here!

Meet Shelia, she's the Critical,
Negative, good for nothing character.  She likes to reside in my mind when things aren't going well.  She feeds off of negativity and loves it when I make mistakes so she can use these to prove that she's right.  Sheila likes to keep me small, keep me from living a life of adventure, fun, and creative bliss.  She's had a long time to learn her wily wicked ways.  As I evolve, she too evolves her wicked ways.  When I start to get that scared feeling in my gut, I need to double check to make sure it's not Sheila dressed up to keep me from growing (which it usually it is). I'd love to kick her in the booty as the train goes by and watch her splat on the tracks.

Ahh Jane, I love Jane. 
She's my elusive Runner's High.  She comes into my life during the perfect run.
She only stays long enough to keep me wanting more.  Jane runs just in front of me just out of reach, taunting me to work harder so I can catch her and bask in her endorphin pumping kick-assness.  Oh how I wish she'd be part of my life more often.

Oh Maggie, my muse, she's a fickle sort of gal.
Finding her name, was quite a feat!  For she feels that giving her a name would hinder her artistic flow - however Maggie finally confessed.  Maggie has a wind blown style about her, the one that flows and billows in the wind creating wispy texture about. She survives on romance and dreamy air - if you want her to swoon, sip wine in the garden at dusk. The twilight of dusk is her magical time, fairy friends find time.

Maggie is lost in time and matters of cordial comfort. She'll bestow her creations when they are ready - waking you as the story unfolds and propelling your forward all night long. She'll exhaust your physical platform, pushing you past your known. She flows through time like the eagles soar above, with astounding ease and grace. She lusts for loads of naps, rejuvenating her spirit in order to tap her trundlof inspiration. 

She vehemently hates stress, to-do-lists, alarm clocks, should haves, and could haves -  foreign to her soul.  Zen is a must, if you want her stay.    Maggie my muse keeps me craving her company.

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