Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Tuesday's Teeming with Treasures! Patience or I Get the 'tude'

Have you ever noticed that when your child has an attitude towards you, it's generally their way of getting some control back in their lives.

Yeah, I've started noticing this from my daughter.  When I'm busy barking orders at her (which I hate when people do this to me), and don't give her the time to do it - she throws me some of her 'tude in an attempt to get some control in her life choices.  (Christel, important note here! She'll get it done, just on her time, not yours....)

Tuesday's Teeming with Treasures are quick motivational notes from my life.  Mainly I post them for my use, to help me treasure each day, focus on the AMAZING-NESS that surrounds me, probably most importantly help me remember to get out of me head and into my true self.

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