Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Tuesday's Teeming with Treasures - Super High Flyin' Don

The other day, I took my father-in-law, Don, to the VA Hospital to have some tests ran (he's ok, other then the usual tragic 'the sky is falling' attitude).

While Don was whisked away for his procedure (whisked is not a word to really describe the VA, but it sounds better then how it really went down), I was busy working in the waiting area.

A couple of hours later, I look up from my laptop.  Standing in front of me was quite a sight!

Much like Don looked,
 but this is
Kramer from Seinfeld
His hair was an entangled, disheveled, standing straight up on end messy, much like Kramer from Seinfeld.   One sleeve partially rolled up to above his elbow, the other completely down and unbuttoned at the wrist.  His button up plaid shirt half tucked in on his left side, and un-tucked on his right side, his baggy levi's barely hanging on his hips.

Swaying side to side, holding his hands out for balance, he looks at me with that look of, 'What's next, where am I?' kind of stare.

I quickly place my laptop on the ground, jump out of my seat to help him.  As soon as I place my hands on his upper arms to help calm the spins, he bursts into the giggles like a little girl!   Through the giggles he says to me, '"No, no don't help - this is kind of fun!"

At that point, I lost it!  I fell back into my chair laughing so hard at the sight before me.  Between the two of we were calling so much attention to ourselves that the entire waiting room full of vets and their families start laughing along as well.

Yes, this is just the beginning of an afternoon with Super High Flying Don!  

Tuesday's Teeming with Treasures are quick motivational notes from my life.  Mainly I post them for my use, to help me treasure each day, focus on the AMAZING-NESS that surrounds me.  Most importantly they help me remember to get out of me head and into my true self.

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