Sunday, August 12, 2012

Work Theme -Getting ready for back to school (aka work)

Laughing Buddha
Tanzhe Temple Beijing
It's August, and that's when I start getting a bit antsy, my heart start racing, my mind won't stop spinning, I start to feel the beginning of an anxiety attack creep in.

The summer, as I've come to know it - working in the yard, Tuesday Bay day, sleeping on the trampoline (the older you are, the less comfy it is), star gazing, creative conjuring, and idyllic frolicking all come to an end.  Soon my days begin to be filled with early to bed, alarm clocks, schedules, morning scrambles, rushing here and there, deadlines looming, time slipping away, all in preparation to greet giggling grins all day long - yes it's back to work I go.

This year, my work day will be so much more relaxed.  I will embrace that working with children (and their parents) creates a whole different set of deadlines and tasks.  In fact, I'm going to remove deadlines and to-do's from my list of work related words.  No more, done, caput.  I will focus on the great opportunity that I have to share my day with children - the future leaders of America.

I will smile more.
When you smile, this breaks the ice and opens the doorway of communication.  After all, the goal of any school is to provide the best education possible for the children attending.

I will focus on the child, rather then on what the parent throws out to the world.  A child is not necessarily the  reflection of their parent (although the apple usually falls pretty close to the tree).  I can help teach children some life tools to add to their tool kit of life.  Tools and skills that will help them learn to embrace their creativity, uniqueness, passions, and life force.

This year Transformer, Flash Gordon, J&H, Caterwaul, and others, will fill me with humorous stories that I will then share with you.

My daughter will remember the funny stories I'm going to share rather then the frustrating ones of working with children and their parents (who are usually in denial).

This school  year, my work word will be:  LAUGH

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